Monday, January 12, 2009

Who is OIivia Palermo Friend or Foe ?

Hello my friends,

I don't know how many of you watch The City on MTV. I must say that it is one of my favorite shows in TV right. Don't judge me I am a fan of The Hills and also a fan of Whitney Port.

For those of you who don't know what The City is. This is a show that follows Whitney Port from The Hills as she follows her fashion career with designer Diane Von Furstenberg. The show is the same format as The Hills except in New York. Which is actually very cool because New York is amazing !!!

This brings to my point. There is a person who stands out in the show. Olivia Palermo.

Who is Olivia Palermo my friend? She is an Upper Eastside Social (that means Socialite). Olivia is a PR girl at Diane Von Furstenberg. She has befriended Whitney and is trying to make her be an Upper Eastsider just like her.

On the contrary my friend we do not now what Olivia's intentions are can she be trusted or not?? We will have to wait and see. I just hope that she does not turn to be a female Spencer Pratt.

On a side note: If anyone watches Gossip Girl. Is Olivia the real life Blair Waldorf because I see the resemblance ?

I plan on doing a full background check on this girl and seeing what's she is about. Stay Tuned for that.

Here is a picture of our new favorite Socialite for those that do not know who she is.


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